A weekly podcast, presenting poetry and prose by writers over 50

Read to you by our host Jon Shorr.

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Charles Dickens

Dickensian upbringings, featuring work by Margo Davis, Eaton Jackson and Richard Moore.
7 minutes | Transcript

An Interview with Winifred Hughes

A special episode of Burning Bright, featuring an interview with 2024 Henry Morgenthau III Prize Winner Winifred Hughes.
11 minutes | Transcript

Editors’ Picks

Passager editors discuss the pieces that left lasting impressions, featuring Virginia B. Anderson, Richard Frank Gillum and Kathy O’Fallon.
8 minutes | Transcript

Roget’s Thesaurus

Language and expression, featuring poems by Stephen Cribari, Carolyn Moore, Laura D. Weeks and Keli Osborn.
8 minutes | Transcript

Birthday Reflections

Where we’ve been and where we’re going, featuring four poems by Jean Nordhaus, David Galloway, Naomi Thiers and Jaque Reed.
7 minutes | Transcript


Beginnings, journeys, and fate, featuring poems by Maryhelen Snyder, Shirley Windward and Gilbert Arzola.
7 minutes | Transcript


Companionship, featuring excerpts and poems by Andrew Brown, Gary McClain Gannaway and R. A. Stewart.
6 minutes | Transcript

The Village of New Ghosts

A peek inside Passager’s newest title, featuring poems by Morgenthau Poetry Prize Winner Winifred Hughes.
5 minutes | Transcript


For moments big and small, featuring poems by Wilderness Sarchild, Sandy Longley, Michael Miller and James K. Zimmerman.
7 minutes | Transcript

Exploding Whale Day

Commemorating an unusual anniversary with three poems by Oregonians Catherine McGuire, Henry Hughes and Kelly Sievers.
7 minutes | Transcript

Veterans Day

The personal impacts of war, featuring poems by Judith Slater, Winifred Hughes, James McGrath and Michael Miller.
7 minutes | Transcript

“I learned to nourish myself”

Conditions, cures and coping, featuring poems by Liz Abrams-Morley, Mary Jo Balistreri and Winifred Hughes.
7 minutes | Transcript

The Immigrant Experience

Heritage and homecomings, featuring work by Regina Dilgen, Georgia Gojmerac-Leiner and Parul Shah.
8 minutes | Transcript

Chopin, Music and Dance

 Rapture and romance, featuring work by Leon Arden, Nora Percival, Susanna Rich and Allen C. West.
7 minutes | Transcript


Apples, spirits, and more, featuring poems by Jean Connor, Nancy Naomi Carlson, Emily Hayes Whittle, and Fran Markover.
8 minutes | Transcript

The Great Chicago Fire

Art and divinity, featuring Chicago poets Ruth Goring, Patricia McMillen and Ruth Hoberman.
8 minutes | Transcript

Meet the 2024 Passager Poet

A special episode featuring an interview with 2024 Passager Poetry Contest winner Joyce Schmid.
13 minutes | Transcript

The 2024 Poetry Contest

Selections from the brand new issue of Passager, featuring honorable mentions by Susan Zimmerman, Judith Bowles, Bonnie Jacobson, John Biggs and Mark Fryburg. 
7 minutes | Transcript

Law & Writing

From attorneys into authors, featuring work by John Glowney, Freddie Lee Wilson & Craig Hukill, and Margaret Flaherty.
7 minutes | Transcript

The Empowered Reader

From young readers to older writers, featuring work by Bonnie Naradzay, Danuta Kosk-Kosicka and Michael Pikna.
7 minutes | Transcript

Cape Cod

Nature and mortality, featuring poets Wilderness Sarchild, Kathy Shorr, Fran Markover and Sandy Longley live at the Wellfleet Public Library.
9 minutes | Transcript

Moon Walk

Adventure and anthropomorphism featuring poems by Ann Howells, Ann Rayburn and Beth Paulson.
7 minutes | Transcript

The Rosetta Stone

Language barriers and gateways, featuring work by Lee Haas Norris, Leah Johnson, Diana Anhalt, and a translation by Mary Fung and David Lunde.
8 minutes | Transcript


Lovers old and new, featuring work by Susan Cohen, Catherine McGeehan, Penelope Scambly Schott and Victoria Korth.
7 minutes | Transcript

Joke Day

The silly and the serious, featuring pieces by Anne Anthony, Susan Morse and Fran Markover.  
8 minutes | Transcript

Gay Pride

Love and resilience, featuring poems by Mary Cronin, Karen Hones and Patti Ruskey. 
5 minutes | Transcript

Father’s Day

Dads here and elsewhere, featuring work by Angelo Giambra, Joyce Burd Hicks, and Susan Jo Russell.
7 minutes | Transcript

Peter Nash portrait

Anne Frank and the Triple Crown

Separations and speculations, featuring work by Joseph Levy (translated by Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer) and Peter Nash. 
6 minutes | Transcript


Companions and complexities, featuring work by Carol Clark Williams, Claire Kahane and Cathleen Cohen.
6 minutes | Transcript

Donald Crane portrait

Daughters & Granddaughters

Play and parenting, featuring work by Donna Emerson, Rosalie Sanara Petrouske and Donald Crane.
5 minutes | Transcript

Memorial Day

War and chance, featuring pieces by David Bergman, Diane Oatley, Gary Stein and J. Philip Hysell.
6 minutes | Transcript

The Ordinary

And anything but, featuring poems by Sandy Longley, Linda Goodman Robiner and Fran Markover.
6 minutes | Transcript

Language Quirks

Figures of speech, featuring poems by Elizabeth Klise, Andy Macera and Conrad Hilberry. 
7 minutes | Transcript

The Athlete

Physical and personal wrestlings, featuring poems by Doug Arnold, John McKernan, Susan Okie and David Sloan.
9 minutes | Transcript

Shakespeare’s Birthday!

Celebrating with sonnets by Cheryl A. Corey and Lana Ayers, plus a peek inside Winifred Hughes’s 2024 Henry Morgenthau Poetry prize-winning manuscript.
6 minutes | Transcript


Inspiration and speculation, featuring poems by Donna L. Emerson, Paul Fisher and Sarah Yerkes.
7 minutes | Transcript

Key Bridge

Resistance and resilience, featuring work by Roy Cheng Tsung, John Glowney and Penelope Scambly Schott.
7 minutes | Transcript


Timely wordplay, with poems by Ronald Vossler, Shelley Smithson and Helen Wickes. 
7 minutes | Transcript

Peek Inside the New Issue

Working through it, with pieces from Ellie Anderson, Etta Brandt, and Nikia Leopold.
5 minutes | Transcript


Preservation of language, love, and integrity with poetry from Beverly Greenspan, William Greenway, and Mac Greene.
6 minutes | Transcript

Bell and the Telephone

Longing for connection, with work from Joseph Hann, Dale Tushman and Denisha Naidoo.
7 minutes | Transcript

Age Gap

Disconnections, with excerpts from stories by John Picard and James O’Sullivan.
6 minutes | Transcript

Music Therapy

The power of melodies, memories and reveries, with poems by Olive Kohl Giese, Kathleen O’Toole, Diana La Com and Allen C. West.
7 minutes | Transcript

Remember the Alamo

Mangoes, messages and unsolicited advice, with work from Texan writers Parul Shah, Viviane Vives and Janet McCann.
7 minutes | Transcript

Valentine’s Day

Young love at any age, with work by Diana La Com, Sherman Pearl and Nancy Davidoff Kelton. 
6 minutes | Transcript

Lincoln’s Birthday

Unlikely links to Lincoln, with work by Joel Savishinsky, Betty Orr and Christine Lincoln.
7 minutes | Transcript

Poe and His Bird

Ravens and other metaphors, with poems by Jean Chapman Snow, Kathy Mangan and Jean Connor. 
7 minutes | Transcript

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Descendants of the Holocaust, featuring pieces by Fedora Horowitz, Fran Markover and Wilderness Sarchild.
7 minutes | Transcript

Adventure & Hope

Spirited stories for your spirits, with pieces by Margarita Meyendorff, Leslie Gabel-Brett and Russell Rowland.
7 minutes | Transcript

On Hold

Phone purgatory, with poems by Judith Arcana and Dennis H. Lee.
5 minutes | Transcript

Mary Azrael Turns 80!

Celebrating the milestone of this Passager co-editor with an interview. Featuring poems by Mary Azrael and Jean Connor.
7 minutes | Transcript

Look! Up in the Sky!

Atmospheric insights, with poems by pilot Ann Darr and Carol Peck.
6 minutes | Transcript


Into the archive, featuring an epistolary poem by Andrew Brown, and excerpts from cover letters and thank-you notes sent by Passager’s readers and submitters over the years.
7 minutes | Transcript

The 2024 Morgenthau Prize

Passager’s first book prize for a writer 70 or older, with poems by its previous winners Dennis H. Lee and Mark Elber, and judge David Keplinger.
7 minutes | Transcript


Finding gratitude, with poems by Ida Marie Beck, Terry S. Johnson, Marya Smith and Barbara Draper. 
7 minutes | Transcript

A More Positive Spin

Threads of kindness, with poems by Elizabeth Kerlikowske, James K. Zimmerman and Larnell Custis Butler. 
6 minutes | Transcript

Veterans Day

Post-war poems by Vietnam War veterans Eric Forsbergh and Wayne Karlin.
6 minutes | Transcript

Climate Change

This planet and our time on it, with poems by Robert Lowes, Constance Norgren and Margaret Lloyd.
6 minutes | Transcript


A long episode with offerings from Christine S. O’Connor, Shelley List, James McGrath, Ed Vojik, Rose M. Smith, Dori Hale, Jerome Gagnon, Katharyn Howd Machan, Maryhelen Snyder and Adrienne Unger. 
16 minutes | Transcript

Appalachian Trail

From Maine to Georgia, and other realms, with poems by Penny Altman, James Wyshynski and Memye Curtis Tucker.
6 minutes | Transcript

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Pride and preservation, with poems by Catherine Allen and Andrew Brown.
7 minutes | Transcript

Burning Bright’s 150th Episode!

Celebrating this milestone with an excerpt from Dorothy Pula Strohecker (Issue 1) and poems by Sharron Singleton and Nan Fry (Issue 50). 
6 minutes | Transcript

The 2023 Poetry Contest Issue

Featuring honorable mentions from the new issue, with poems by Joanne Holdridge, Liz Ahl, Laird Harrison and Nancy Lael Braun.
7 minutes | Transcript

A Time to Reflect

Shana tova, with wayfinding poems by Liz Abrams-Morley, Amy White and Jean Connor.
6 minutes | Transcript


In memory of Gracie Allen, the Passager Poodle, with poems by Ann Kolakowski, Peter Nash, Gene Grabiner and Gary McClain Gannaway.
6 minutes | Transcript

Back to School

Core memories, with pieces by Ellen Hirning Schmidt, Maureen Murphy Woodcock, Maryhelen Snyder.
7 minutes | Transcript

Auld Lang Syne

A look back on the last year at Passager and a peek ahead, with poems by Mark Elber, Sandy Longley, Christine O’Leary Rockey, Joyce S. Brown and Jo Miles. 
8 minutes | Transcript

Vive la Marilyns!

Poems by Marilyn Churchill, Marilyn Wallner, and Marilyn McConnell, in memory of Marilyn Shorr.
6 minutes | Transcript

Bastille Day

Retrospect, with poems by Susan Lilley and Claudia Van Gerven, plus a peek inside the new issue with thoughts from contest winner George Drew.
6 minutes | Transcript

July 4

This holiday’s other implications, with pieces by D.R. James and Roy Cheng Tsung, plus a peek inside the new issue with a poem by Keli Osborn.
7 minutes | Transcript

Allusions to Shakespeare

Inspired reading, with pieces by Leon Arden and Shirley J. Brewer, plus a peek inside the new issue with a poem by Charles Kesler.
7 minutes | Transcript

Diane Siedel portrait

Kindergarten at 60

Back to school, with an excerpt by Dian Seidel.
6 minutes | Transcript


Crossovers, with poems by Monica De Bhailís, Judy Ireland and Nora Percival.
7 minutes | Transcript


Stirrings and strandings, with excerpts by Joyce Abell and Timothy Reilly.
6 minutes | Transcript

Updating Religion

Reformations, with poems by Curt Sloan, Jesse Arthur Stone and Joyce La Mers.
6 minutes | Transcript

Memorial Day

Honoring our late loved ones, with poems by Mark Elber and Fran Markover. 
7 minutes | Transcript


Four poems in the spirit of mother-ness, introducing a new collection by Sandy Longley.
7 minutes | Transcript


Mother memories, with poems by Gilbert Arzola, Wilderness Sarchild, Wendy Elizabeth Ingersoll and Daniel Carpenter.
8 minutes | Transcript

May Days

What happens when we’re at war with ourselves and others, with works by Diana Anhalt and Arthur Rivkin.
6 minutes | Transcript

May Day

Contemplating what helps us bloom, with poems by Kathy Mangan, Sarah Yerkes and Catherine DeNunzio.
6 minutes | Transcript


It’s the soundtrack to our lives and the rhythmic telling of our destinies with poems by Diana la Com, Ruth Moon Kempher and Harry Bauld.
7 minutes | Transcript


The things we use to say what we need and how we feel, with poems by Tony Howarth, Sophia Rivkin and Tim Gillespie.
7 minutes | Transcript

Birth and Rebirth

Enjoying all that came before, what is here now, and what will be with poems by John Glowney, Sharron Singleton, Maryhelen Snyder and Henry Morgenthau III.
7 minutes | Transcript

Marching into April

Witness the blooming of April’s expectations and memories with poems by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro, Jim Zafris, Mike Jurkovic and April Lindner.
6 minutes | Transcript

The Trauma Issue

Taking a deeper look into our invisible, innermost scars, with poems by Tonia Dixon, Kelly Madigan and Diana Fusting.
8 minutes | Transcript

The Ides of March

Diving into the month that has transfixed history, with works by Julie Cadwallader Staub, Julia Carter Aldrich and Julie LeMay.
6 minutes | Transcript


Exploring the art and effects of writing, with works by Joyce Greenberg Lott, Martha Strom and Vince Granata.
6 minutes | Transcript


Whether we’re burning them or building them, Margaret Lunden-Molinari, Gail Newman, Betty Howard and Roy Cheng Tsung understand the power and importance of bridges.
7 minutes | Transcript

Poetic Forms

Appreciating the form and flow of words, with poems by Wells Burgess, John Ridland, Nancy Carlson and Nan Fry.
7 minutes | Transcript

Valentine’s Day

Embracing the sweet, and sometimes bitter, temptation of love this season, with poems by Michael Schneider, John Davis and Rachel Michaud.
6 minutes | Transcript

Poems in Protest

Remembering those lost to racial injustice while hoping for a brighter tomorrow, with poems by Art Cohen, Robert Nelson and Ted Lockhart.
6 minutes | Transcript


Oh, for Pete’s sake! Works by Peter Lucas, Kimberly Peterson and Peter Hornbostel.
7 minutes | Transcript

The Morgenthau Prize

Recalling memories and faces, with works from Henry Morgenthau, Dennis H. Lee and Mark Elber.
7 minutes | Transcript

Two Reptiles and a Mammal

Memories of childhood and the curious experience of our changing bodies, with works by Nancy Davidoff Kelton, Susan Okie and Wendy Taylor Carlisle.
6 minutes | Transcript

Another Year Older

Another year, another lesson with poems by Maxine Gibson, Doris Watts and Melanie Dubose.
6 minutes | Transcript

Holiday Light

Late December, lights shining in the darkness, with inspiring words from Andrew Brown and Gilbert Arzola.
6 minutes | Transcript

The Night Sky

On flight and nightly trips, with poems by Scott Ward, Arne Weingart and Paula Colangelo.
6 minutes | Transcript


The season of the centaur, with pieces by Joyce Abell, Alan C. West, Nancy Davidoff Kelton and Dennis H. Lee.
7 minutes | Transcript


Thoughts on food and food for thought, with poems by Bonnie Jacobson, Charles Springer, Fran Markover, Sharron Singleton and Ellen Hartley.
6 minutes | Transcript

Veterans Day

Post-war, with pieces by Charles West, Freddie Lee Wilson & Craig Hukill, David McAleavey and Michael Miller.
6 minutes | Transcript

More from the New Issue

More honorable mentions from the new issue of Passager, Lenett Partlow-Myrick, Len Freeman, Bob Shapero and Jerome Gagnon.
6 minutes | Transcript


Writing through it, with selections by Willa Schneberg, Michael Milburn and Jane Goldsmith.
7 minutes | Transcript

Headstone by Mark Elber

Introducing Mark Elber’s prize-winning book, featuring selected poems from the just-released Headstone.
8 minutes | Transcript


Transitions, with poems by Ginny Lowe Connors, Larsen Bowker, Pru Starr and Wilderness Sarchild.
7 minutes | Transcript


2022 Passager Poet David Bergman

Four poems from 2022 Passager Poetry Contest Winner David Bergman.
6 minutes | Transcript

Banner reads: Passager's Pandemic Diaries

The Diaries

Pandemic reflections from Judith Beth Cohen, Maureen Woodcock, Gloria Kropf, Lynn M. Knapp, Rich Bates, Wendy Watson, Martha Graham-Waldon, Amy Cotler, Mary Alice Dixon, Ellen Reichman, Tricia Knoll, Pia Wood, Susan Milord and Dayana Moreno.
12 minutes | Transcript

The 2022 Contest Issue

Honorable mentions from the new issue of Passager, with poems by Joyce Schmid, Julie Pratt and James McGrath. 
6 minutes | Transcript


Four poems about women, featuring Laurie Barton, Cathleen Cohen, Dianne Woods Ashley and Laura Secord.
7 minutes | Transcript

National Ampersand Day

Honoring the ampersand and the bridges between ideas, with poems by Marilyn Wallner, Anne Myles, Patricia Zylius and Sarah Yerkes.
7 minutes | Transcript


Sunny and seasonal, with poems by Pat Hale, Dorothy Riehm, John O’Dell and Ed Minus.
7 minutes | Transcript


Wedding season, with excerpts of memoirs by Charles Heckman and Gloria O’Neil.
6 minutes | Transcript

The Centenarians

On this 100th episode of Burning Bright, poems by 100-year-olds Jean Connor, Henry Morgenthau III and Sarah Yerkes.
7 minutes | Transcript


Fathers and fatherhood, with poems by Thomas Jardine, Harriet Stratton, Marc Swan and Jeanie Sanders.
6 minutes | Transcript

Living on the Cusp

Growing pains, with excerpts by Sarah Dabney and Timothy Reilly.
6 minutes | Transcript

The 1950s and 60s

Mid-century childhoods, with pieces by Judy Lee Green, Marianne Patty and Rosanne Singer.
7 minutes | Transcript

Memorial Day

Three women of WWII, with poems by Diane Dees, E. Laura Golberg and Shirley Brewer.
6 minutes | Transcript


Musical imagery, with poems by Steve Matanle, Larnell Custis Butler and Maryhelen Snyder. (To see Larnell’s drawing of Bessie Ferguson, click on “transcript” below.)
5 minutes | Transcript


Their companionship, with pieces by Roberta Schine, John Davis and Gary McClain Gannaway.
6 minutes | Transcript

Mother’s Day

Memorable mothers, with pieces by Maureen Hossbacher, Margaret Osburn, Nancy Davidoff Kelton and Chris Carbaugh.
6 minutes | Transcript


The season begins, with pieces by Harry Bauld, John Kimmey and Jennifer Wallace.
6 minutes | Transcript

Coupla Old Men

Meet Bert and Callum, with pieces by Kathy Shorr and Kirk Wareham.

6 minutes | Transcript


More than food, with pieces by Mark Harris and Fran Markover.

7 minutes | Transcript

Spring Miracles

Birth, new beginnings and miracles, with poems by Beth Paulson, Liz Abrams-Morley and Wendy Hoffman.

6 minutes | Transcript

Women’s History Month

Celebrating women, with pieces by Wilderness Sarchild, Gilbert Arzola and Joyce Abell.

6 minutes | Transcript

Pandemic Retrospective

Two years of COVID, with excerpts from Juliet Wilson, Orman Day, Patrick Hansel, Elaine Lambert and Liz Abrams-Morley.

7 minutes | Transcript


Its impact, with poems by Patrick Hansel, James McGrath and Kaz Sussman.

6 minutes | Transcript

Near Death Experience

Life and death and curiosity, with poems by Joyce La Mers, Maureen Murphy Woodcock, Pat Hurley and Fran Markover.

6 minutes | Transcript


Children and childhood, with pieces by Johanna DeMay, Kristin Davis and Dian Seidel.

6 minutes | Transcript

The New Issue!

A peek inside the 2022 Open Issue, with excerpts from Rhett Watts, Jayne Brown and Patrick J. Murphy.

6 minutes | Transcript

Presidents’ Day

Presidential namesakes, with poems by Rossme Taylor, Tom Buchanan and Leah Johnson.

7 minutes | Transcript

Valentine’s Day

Love and romance, with poems by Denise Rue, C. W. Emerson, Marge Piercy, Chuck Madansky and Dorothy Weil.

7 minutes | Transcript

Winter Animals

The Groundhog, the Mouse and the Crow, with pieces by Laura Wisniewski, Alene Bricken and Jean Connor.

6 minutes | Transcript

Three Sonnets and a Pantoum

Well and lesser-known forms, with poems by Lee Warner Brooks, Elinor Horwitz, Norma Chapman and Bonnie Naradzay. 

6 minutes | Transcript

In Memory of Jean Connor

A tribute episode to the remarkable poet. 

6 minutes | Transcript


Springtime and other feelings we need right now, with poems by Barbara Stout, James McGrath, Gilbert Arzola and Shirley J. Brewer. 

7 minutes | Transcript

The Poets of Ingleside at Rock Creek

The Poets of Ingleside

Celebrating new passions in old age, with poems by the Poetry Salon of Ingleside at Rock Creek.

10 minutes | Transcript

Ox Horn Bend

Fathers and long-awaited answers, with excerpts from Ox Horn Bend by Roy Cheng Tsung.

6 minutes | Transcript

The Solitude of Memory

Empathy and experience, with poems about love, war and blindness, from The Solitude of Memory by Michael Miller.

7 minutes | Transcript

Grandfather’s Mandolin

Ancestors traveling their paths to the future, with excerpts from Grandfather’s Mandolin by Fran Markover.

7 minutes | Transcript


The price of dowry and passage, with pieces by Gavin Kayner and Renny Golden.

8 minutes | Transcript


Cooking and expectation, with pieces by Maureen Hossbacher, Jim Taylor and Larnell Custis Butler.

7 minutes | Transcript


How we experience time, with poems by Steve Matanle, Diana Anhalt, Jennifer Burd and Sarah Yerkes.

6 minutes | Transcript

Veterans Day

The people that survived, with pieces by James McGrath and Mark G. Carter.

6 minutes | Transcript

Things in Trees

Apples, birds and wishes, with poems by Jean Connor, Fran Markover, Pat Anthony and Jennifer Wallace.

7 minutes | Transcript


Unexpected destinations, with poems by Roger Pfingston, John Hovde, Jesse Arthur Stone and Shirley Brewer.
6 minutes | Transcript


Churches and change, with pieces by Amy Gottfried and Sharon Doyle.
5 minutes | Transcript


Masks: literal and metaphorical, with pieces by Miriam Karmel, Art Cohen, Ruth Beker and Henry Morgenthau III.
7 minutes | Transcript

Gail DiMaggio portrait

2021 Passager Poet

Highlighting the 2021 Passager Poet Gail DiMaggio with two of her contest-winning “mettas.”
6 minutes | Transcript

2021 Contest Issue

Four poems from the new poetry contest issue, by Marie Fochios, Gail Newman, Colleen Anderson and Jan Mordenski. 
7 minutes | Transcript


Memories of young passion, with poems by Victoria Korth and Kathy Mangan, and in honor of National Cooking Day – a poem by Ruth Mota.
7 minutes | Transcript


Two pieces sort of about music, by Donna Pucciani and Timothy Reilly.
6 minutes | Transcript


Football, Grandparents Day and Rosh Hashanah, with poems by Gilbert Arzola, Liliane Roy Anders and Fran Markover.
5 minutes | Transcript

Puttin’ It All on Hold

Summer break, with poems by Jennifer Wallace and Judith Arcana.
5 minutes | Transcript

Poems or Girdles?

Two form poems, by Antoinette Kennedy and Lynn Dizard.
6 minutes | Transcript

You Can Count On It

Three pieces about numbers from Wilderness Sarchild, Christine O’Connor and Marie Anderson.
7 minutes | Transcript

Classical Surprises

Detention, indigestion, and other muses with pieces by Leon Arden and Dennis H. Lee. 
5 minutes | Transcript

4th of July

Two very different takes on fireworks, with pieces by Jack Ritter and Victoria Wyatt. 
6 minutes | Transcript


This episode celebrates Juneteenth, with pieces by Mary Carter Smith, Lucille Clifton and Larnell Custis Butler. 
6 minutes | Transcript

Father’s Day

Four pieces about fathers and food, by Ruth Holzer, Greg Moglia, Shirley J. Brewer and Roy Cheng Tsung.
6 minutes | Transcript

The 17-Year Locusts

Ok, not locusts — cicadas! If you’re in much of the eastern part of the United States these days, you’ve probably had the mixed blessing of dodging them, stepping on them, listening to them, and sticking their shells to your nose or eyebrows. Poems by Sophia Rivkin, Mary Azrael and Barbara Crooker. 
6 minutes | Transcript

First Anniversary

A look back to Passager’s beginnings back in 1990, with poems by former US Poet Laureate Josephine Jacobsen and Judson Jerome.
5 minutes | Transcript

Guys and Sports

A look at sports and fans, with pieces by Bill Smoot, Gilbert Arzola and Kathy Mangan.
6 minutes | Transcript

1992 Poetry Contest Issue cover

Poetry Contest

Passager’s annual poetry contest closes April 15. On this episode, poems from past Poetry Contest issues.
6 minutes | Transcript

Bea Epstein portrait


To mark the beginning of baseball season, an excerpt of “Striking Out” by Bea Epstein from the 2013 Passager Open Issue.
5 minutes | Transcript

abstract mixed media painting with twine and acrylic


Four pieces celebrating Spring, the season of hope, by Kathy Mangan (Taproot), John L. Wright (2021 Passager Open Issue), Jean L. Connor (A Hinge of Joy) and Helen Vo-Dinh (2007 Passager Open Issue). 
6 minutes | Transcript

Basquiat style painting, mixed media


Some poems inspired by jazz and jazz musicians, from Harry Bauld (The Uncorrected Eye), Steve Matanle (Nightbook) and John Glowney (2020 Passager Poetry Contest).
6 minutes | Transcript

Detail of a painting. Geometric shapes in red, orange and pink

Poetic Forms

Examples of three specific poetic forms, with poems by Philip Allen (2021 Open Issue), Sarah Yerkes (Days of Blue and Flame) and Clarinda Harriss (2018 Open Issue).
6 minutes | Transcript

Elaine Logan and Michael Salcman portraits

A Peek at the New Issue

Two pieces from the forthcoming issue of Passager, from Elaine Logan and Michael Salcman.
6 minutes | Transcript

Roy Cheng Tsung portrait

Chinese New Year

An excerpt from Beyond Lowu Bridge by Roy Cheng Tsung to commemorate the Chinese New Year. 
6 minutes | Transcript

Hands working clay

Valentine’s Day

Three poems about love, from Sheila Golburgh Johnson, Virginia Anderson and Ebby Malmgren.
6 minutes | Transcript

Groundhog Day

Three poems about animals that generally stay out of sight during the winter, by Lisa Bellamy, Judith Bernal and Stuart Chalfant. 
7 minutes | Transcript

Painting of a cardinal


Three poems from Passager writers Anita Mewherter (2018 Open Issue), Pilar Saavedra-Vela and Rex Wilder (2020 Poetry Contest Issue). 
5 minutes | Transcript

Martin Luther King Jr. Issue cover


Celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King with pieces by Margaret Rozga and Eugenia Collier, from Passager’s special Martin Luther King issue, published in 2008.
6 minutes | Transcript

Painting by Steve Matanle, white stripes over colored ones

The Quarantine 15

Three poems about food, by Miles Coon (2010 Passager Poetry Contest), Peter Harris (2012 Passager Open Issue) and Shirley J. Brewer (A Little Breast Music).
6 minutes | Transcript

Joyce Abell portrait

New Orleans Bound

Excerpts of an essay by Virginia writer Joyce Abell, from her memoir Prickly Roses, published by Passager Books in 2017. Meet Abell in a video interview.
7 minutes | Transcript

Painted black circle on white canvas

It Pleases Me No End

Three poems to celebrate the season, from Steve Matanle (Nightbook), Sarah Yerkes (Days of Blue and Flame), and Jean L. Connor (A Cartography of Peace). 
7 minutes | Transcript

Sean Padraic McCarthy portrait


Excerpts of “An Empty Sky,” a short story by Massachusetts writer Sean Padraic McCarthy  from the 2020 Open issue of Passager.
6 minutes | Transcript

Roy Cheng Tsung portrait

Trying to Come Home

Excerpt of a memoir by Chinese-American writer Roy Cheng Tsung, from his new book Ox Horn Bend, just released from Passager Books.
6 minutes | Transcript

Kathy Mangan and Harry Bauld portraits

Hunger & Faith

Two poems by poets Kathy Mangan (Taproot, 2019) and Harry Bauld (The Uncorrected Eye, 2018).
6 minutes | Transcript


Excerpts from Illinois writer Julie McCracken’s memoir “Lord, Please Let Me Live Until Strawberry Season,” published in Passager in 1992.
5 minutes | Transcript

Pam Kress-Dunn portrait

Battered Wife

Excerpts from Iowa writer Pam Kress-Dunn’s memoir “Love and Fury in a Plastic Box,” from the 2019 Passager Open Issue.
5 minutes | Transcript

Robert Strout portrait

Lizzie the Coyote

Excerpt of an essay by Oaxaca writer Robert Joe Stout called “Laughing at the Moon,” published in the 2017 Open Issue of Passager.
5 minutes | Transcript

Gilbert Arzola and Harry Bauld

Back to School

Two poems by New York poet Harry Bauld from his book, The Uncorrected Eye, and Indiana poet Gilbert Arzola, from his book, Prayers of Little Consequence.
6 minutes | Transcript

Liz Abrams-Morley portrait

Growing Up in Traumatic Times

A poem by 2020 Passager Poet Liz Abrams-Morley, from the 2020 Passager Poetry Contest issue.
5 minutes | Transcript

Leatha Kendrick and Ruth Mota


Two poems by poets Ruth Mota (2018 Passager Poetry Contest) and Leatha Kendrick (2017 Passager Poetry Contest).
6 minutes | Transcript

Dennis H. Lee portrait

Before you write from the heart

Three poems from New Jersey poet Dennis H. Lee, 2020 winner of the Henry Morgenthau III First Book Poetry Prize for his collection, Tidal Wave.
5 minutes | Transcript

Anhalt at protest

Remembering Life in Mexico

Two poems from Georgia poet Diana Anhalt, from her book Because There Is No Return, published by Passager Books in 2015.
4 minutes | Transcript

Stephen Dixon self-portrait

An Interpretation of Dreams

Excerpts of a short story by Baltimore writer Stephen Dixon from the 2016 Passager Open Issue.
5 minutes | Transcript

Wilderness Sarchild portrait

The Approximate Weight of My Responsibility

Two poems by Cape Cod poet Wilderness Sarchild, from her book Old Women Talking, published by Passager Books in 2017.
5 minutes | Transcript

Henry Morgenthau III portrait

The Last Act

Two poems by D.C. poet Henry Morgenthau III from his book, A Sunday in Purgatory, published by Passager Books in 2016.
3 minutes | Transcript

Holding On

Excerpts of a memoir by Massachusetts writer Lynette Benton from the 2020 Passager Open Issue.
5 minutes | Transcript

Moira Egan portrait


A poem by Baltimore native Moira Egan, from her book Hot Flash Sonnetspublished by Passager Books in 2014.
3 minutes | Transcript


Excerpt of a memoir by Chinese-American writer Roy Cheng Tsung, from his book Beyond Lowu Bridge, published by Passager Books in 2014.
4 minutes | Transcript

Joe Harrison and Faye Ashby portraits

Lyric Compression

Two poems by Baltimore poets Joseph Harrison (2020 Passager Open Issue) and Fay Ashby (2019 Passager Poetry Contest).
4 minutes | Transcript

Nancy Kelton portrait

Eye Openers

Excerpt of a memoir by New York writer Nancy Davidoff Kelton, from her book Finding Mr. Rightstein, published by Passager Books in 2016.
4 minutes | Transcript

Kathy Mangan portrait

The Redeemed

A poem by Baltimore poet Kathy Mangan, from her book Taprootpublished by Passager Books in 2019.
3 minutes | Transcript

After Vacationing in Maine

Two poems by Vermont poet Jean L. Connor, from her book A Cartography of Peace, published by Passager Books in 2005.
4 minutes | Transcript

Andrew Brown portrait

The Chugalug King Goes Down the Road

Excerpts from Baltimore writer Andrew Brown, from his book The Chugalug King & Other Stories, published by Passager Books in 2016. Meet Brown in a video interview.
4 minutes | Transcript

Sarah Yerkes portrait

Pygmalion and Galatea

A poem by Washington, DC poet Sarah Yerkes, from her book Days of Blue and Flame, published by Passager Books in 2019. Meet Yerkes in a video interview.
5 minutes | Transcript

In the Fields

A poem by Indiana writer Gilbert Arzola, from his book Prayers of Little Consequence, published by Passager Books in 2020. Meet Arzola in a short video interview.
3 minutes | Transcript

Joyce Abell portrait

How I Got to College

Excerpt of a memoir by Virginia writer Joyce Abell, from her book Prickly Roses, published by Passager Books in 2017. Meet Abell in a video interview.
4 minutes | Transcript

Larnell Custis Butler self-portrait

Pie Maker Ellen Emily Matthew

Two poems by Baltimore artist and poet Larnell Custis Butler, from her book Improvise in the Amen Corner, published by Passager Books in 2007.
3 minutes | Transcript

Tillie Friedenberg portrait

To My Fellow Poets

Excerpts of an essay from Baltimore poet Tillie Friedenberg, who wrote in 2008 about joining the protest movement in the 60s, published in the Martin Luther King Jr. issue of Passager.
4 minutes | Transcript

Shirley Brewer portrait

Give Me Liberace or Give Me Death

Two poems by Baltimore poet Shirley Brewer, from her book A Little Breast Music, published by Passager Books in 2008.
3 minutes | Transcript

Special thanks to artist Amanda Wrigley for the use of her painting for Burning Bright’s logo image.