Poetry, Fiction & Memoir
Soft cover | 170 Pages | $15

In this issue, we’re happy to introduce you to poets, storytellers and memoirists from Scotland, Holland, France, Australia, Argentina, and if you count a Russian-American writing about the years he survived as a political prisoner in Russia, Russia. Read a sample by clicking the “Peep Inside” bird below.

2020 Open Issue Sample



Anne Barney

Tom Buchanan
“A Child Remembers World War I,” “Psalms”

Christine Holland Cummings

Kristin Davis
“Little Denials” [read above]

Eric Forsbergh
“Lobstering at 96”

Joseph Harrison
“My Sister Cut Me into Pieces”

Robert Hirschfield
“Life Interrupted”

Matilda Kirby-Smith

Robert P. Lewis
“Love Unspoken”

Valerie Malott

Ilene Millman
“Text Neck”

Michelle Morouse
“Mt. Carmel Mercy Hospital, Trauma Center, Detroit, 1983”

Alexandra Newton-Rios
“A Dialogue: Language Lost and Found” [read above]

Roger Pfingston
“Inside Out”

Marilee Pritchard
“Take Me Along for the Ride”

Doug Ramspeck
“Squall of Storm off Old Highway 7”

Mary Lou Rife
“Radio Waves”

Marilyn Wallner
“The House Proud Woman,” “Cause and Effect”

Dorothy Weil
“The Gentleman Caller”

Florence Weinberger
“Renew Us to the Mercy of Lyres and Flutes”

Bob Wickless


Lynette Benton
“Holding On” [read above]

Arno Bohlmeijer
“The Slicing of Time”

Paul Brownsey
“A Patriotic Blazer”

Mark G. Carter

Jane Goldsmith

Gavin Kayner
“Right with God” [read above]

Sean Padraic McCarthy
“An Empty Sky”

Mark Mulholland
“A Grey Slanted Evening”

Molly Quinn
“The Birds and the Bees”

Lazar Trubman
“A Casual Chat about Nothing”

Victoria Wyatt
“Independence Day”

Mary Azrael, Kendra Kopelke, editors. Christine Drawl, managing editor. Pantea Amin Tofangchi, design. Linda Niederman, cover art.