2020 Passager Poetry Contest Cover

Passager Poet Liz Abrams-Morley

and 45 Honorable Mentions

“I always grapple with relevance, but less so these days; right now I think poetry is enjoying a tremendous burst of relevance in our country as different voices from all sorts of communities are raised.”

Liz Abrams-Morley

Poetry | Soft cover | 134 Pages
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Honorable Mentions

Betty Ajemian

Madalon Amenta
“And Death Shall Have No Dominion”

Diana Anhalt

“On Speaking Spanish”

Irene Apostoleris


Michael Barrett

“Poppies in the Light of Provence”

Alexandra Beers

“The Doctor Said This Was Very Unusual

Joyce S. Brown


Jennifer Burd
“Self-Portrait Explaining a Calendar to the Future”

Wells Burgess

“Not Available in Stores”

Deborah Casillas


Andrée Rose Catalfamo


Cathleen Cohen


Monica De Bhailís

“The Archaeologist Who Would Bequeath Her Body to Medical Science”

Sally Lipton Derringer

“Unforgivable Want”

Suzanne Edison
“We Should Not Wait for Fruit”

Jean Esteve
“Darning Egg”

Phil Flott

“Removing Splinters Makes Me Catch My Breath”

John Glowney

“Black and White”

Beverly Greenspan

“Into a Silence”

Maura High

“Wisteria sinensis, floribunda”

Dar Kamenetz

“no mind”

Antoinette Kennedy

“Sestina for a Soldier”

Susan Kepner
“Taken Down”

Sigrun Susan Lane
“My Son as a Lake”

Tom Large
“I Hear a Siren Somewhere”

Diane Le Blanc

“Small Shrines”

Steven Lewis

“After Looking Through Summer Photos”

Marilyn McConnell

“My Ancestor James”

Rachel Michaud

“Mother to Son”

Michael Miller

Ruth Moose

Ruth Mota


Jean Nordhaus

“How I Learned Violence”

Janice Northerns

“The Roadrunner”

Beverly Osband

“Take Time”

Bill Quist

“What I Would Like”

Pilar Saavedra-Vela

“On Covid Time III”

Penelope Scambly Schott

“Report from the Future”

Michele Sharpe

“More Rains in Florida”

Judith Slater

“The Bedroom”

Harriet Stratton

“While Making Fence with My Father”

Pasquale Trozzolo


Rex Wilder

“Beach Love”

Diana Woodcock

“On the Feast Day of St. Claire”

Maureen Murphy Woodcock

“Questions for My Sister”

Covert painting: Meditation on Figs, by Hal Boyd.