Soft cover | 132 pages | $15
Passager Poet
Joyce Schmid
and 42 Honorable Mentions
“These poems are dedicated to my sister, Dolly. I want people to know her name, how much she had to suffer, and how loved she still is. I felt – and still feel – that she sacrificed herself for me in many ways. As a child, I dreamt that we were in a witch’s castle and the witch made us drink poison. In the dream, she drank hers quickly and then snatched mine and drank that too.”
Joyce Schmid
Honorable Mentions
Colleen Anderson
May 2020: The Children in Their Bedrooms
Stefan Balan
John Biggs
Ann Bookman
Romance, Not for the Faint of Heart
Judith Bowles
The Future
Jane Bridges
Toni Bryant
The Packing Chicken
Don Colburn
Pause Over Thanksgiving
Brian Cronwall
Norwegian Farms
John Philip Drury
Abecedarian Ode
Kelly DuMar
Dear Lyudmila Navalnaya, please
Sindee Ernst
The Holding
Martha Fox
Letter of Final Wishes
Mark Fryburg
Madelyn Garner
Summer of Hiroshima
Clarinda Harriss
Advice from Conjure Mabel
Kathleen Hellen
among the other catherines in the cult
John J. Hohn
Winter Night Trek
Matt Hohner
Your Last Entry in My Baby Book Before You Left
Thomas John Hurley
What Moves the Hermit Thrush to Sing in the Dark Woods Before Morning
Bonnie Jacobson
Bobby Jones
Alleluia, Alleluia
Gurupreet K. Khalsa
Ganglial Glitches
J. I. Kleinberg
To be unseen
Elizabeth Knapp
Age of Aquarius
Mary Kollar
Sunlight This December
Kerry Loughman
Two Blocks From the Arboretum
Diane Y. Macklin
Mother Ashes
Bonnie Naradzay
Kathy O’Fallon
Listening for Tchaikovsky
Kathleen O’Toole
St. Francis in the Snow
David J. S. Pickering
I Came from My Marriage to Tell You This
Jennifer Pratt-Walter
A Clothesline of Words
Rick Rohdenburg
After the Flood
Lori Rottenberg
You Drive Like a Man
Noel Salinger
Joel Savishinsky
The Saddest Smile, Indian Residential School 1907
Bill Spence
International Relations
R. A. Stewart
A World Without Dogs
Susan V. Walton
Cranes Roosting by the Platte: Sunset, 3/28/23
Anna M. Warrock
Missed the Bus
Susan Zimmerman
Not Dead Yet
Errata: On page 90, references in John Philip Drury’s bio should read Cambridge, Maryland.
Mary Azrael, Kendra Kopelke, editors. Rosanne Singer, assistant editor. Christine Drawl, managing editor, art director. Harry Bauld, Joyce Stevens Brown, Kate Deimling, Richard Levine, Fran Markover, Ellen Schmidt, guest readers. Ashlyn Mason, Ruby Taylor, interns. Janet Waters, cover painting.